
Initial Docker Image Build

As conventionally, the ADDIE (ADvanced DIffraction Environment, available at service is deployed on a VPS (specifically, an instance on the ORNL hosted research cloud). The service itself and all the necessary configurations are therefore locked to the VPS machine, making it extremely painful for transfer and maintenance. Especially for the maintenance, anytime we need to install a new functionality into the ADDIE service, unavoidably we would need some new dependencies. However, the existing modules and libraries will potentially be conflicting with the module we are trying to install and quite often we need to do the homework for testing and find out the compatible versions of all the modules (existing ones and those to be installed). Doing such on a VPS locally is rather risky as once the installed new module breaks some other modules, it is very difficult, or sometimes even impossible, to roll back. So, from the long run, we need to make the service containerized, using, e.g., docker so the whole service is self-contained and more importantly, the testing will become way easier. We just need to pull the docker image, fire up a container and perform the installation and test interactively. Once finished, we can then push the image to a new version and deploy it on the VPS via docker. This blog will keep a record of the preparation of the docker image for ADDIE. The procedure may not be the optimal one, as the finally prepared docker image is with the size of ~10 Gb. But at least, it will give us a working version of the docker image, with which we can then easily fire up a ADDIE service instance on any supported VPS.

N.B. The reason why the docker image is large is that we include all the required modules and configurations in the image. We could probably do the installation and configuration via docker entrypoint or startup script. But in this case, I will not go through that route, and in my case, the image is huge, but the startup script is very simple.

  1. Pull a startup docker image, e.g.,

     docker pull ubuntu
  2. Run the pulled docker image interactively,

     docker run -i -t ubuntu bash

where the ubuntu refers to the pulled docker image name.

  1. Within the interactive docker container, install all the necessary packages,

     apt install git
     apt install gfortran
     apt install build-essential
     apt install vim
     apt install wget
     apt install curl
     wget -P /tmp & bash /tmp/
     apt install python-wxtools
     curl > /tmp/
     bash /tmp/ -b -p ~/g2full
     apt install redis-server

    curl and python-wxtools are needed for running GSASII. Without python-wxtools, running GSASII will complain about wx not found.

    GSASII also needs to run and usually the library file is not available in the startup image. We can download this file here and put it somewhere in the docker container (e.g., /usr/lib64) which we will use later on.

  2. Clone the source code of ADDIE (assuming we are located at / in the docker container on the command line),

     git clone

    We need the token for login. Go to Settings -> Access Tokens -> Add new token, and select proper permission, select the expiration date and then copy the generated token.

  3. Create a conda environment,

     conda create -n py37 python=3.7
     conda activate py37

    The Diffpy-CMI module is only compatible with Python=3.7, so we have to stay with it for the moment, even the Python=3.7 has been dropped for support.

  4. Go into the tsitc directory and install all the required python modules,

     pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Install Diffpy-CMI,

     conda config --add channels diffpy
     conda install diffpy-cmi
  6. Install strumining,

     git clone
     cd strumining
     pip install pymatgen
     pip install pybtex
     pip install PyYAML
     python install

    After the installation, we need to manually copy over two folders (data and utils) in the strumining source code tree to the corresponding location in the conda environment. In my case, the destination is,


    The specific location will depend on the conda installation location and the conda environment we created previously.

  7. Finally, we need to copy over the instance folder (download the zip file here, get in touch with Yuanpeng for access passcode) to the /tsitc directory.

    With the recent update to include the LDAP authentication, there is another file under the pdfitc directory that needs to be copied over manually, as this file contains sensitive authentication information which should not be included in the git history.

    Also with the LDAP implementation, we need to install the flask-session, flask-wtf, pyldap, and pyoncat modules,

     conda install conda-forge::flask-session
     conda install anaconda::flask-wtf
     pip install pyldap
     pip install

    When installing pyldap with pip, we might come across with errors relevant to the gcc failure, in which case the following command might be helpful [12],

     sudo apt install libsasl2-dev libldap2-dev libssl-dev
  8. Going through all the procedures as detailed above, the container should be ready to be committed to a new image with which we can then fire up an ADDIE service.

  9. Exit the docker container – just execute exit from the command line.

    After exiting the container, if we want to run the container again in the interactive mode, use the following command,

    docker exec -it [CCONTAINER_NAME] bash
  10. Commit the container to a new image. First, we can check the running container(s) using the command,

    docker ps -a

    Identifying the container we were working on by its name and ID, then,

    docker commit [CONTAINER_ID] flask_addie

    Use the command docker images to check the new committed image in the docker image list.

    The flask_addie here refers to the name of the image to be created by the commitment. It could be possible that an image with the same name already exists on the local host. In such a situation, the existing image with the same name as, e.g., flask_addie, will be renamed to <none> and the new flask_addie stays the latest.

  11. Prepare a Dockerfile file, as below,

    FROM flask_addie
    WORKDIR /tsitc
    COPY /
    CMD ["/bin/bash", "-c", "/"]

    where flask_addie is just the name of the new committed docker image in previous step. The name can be whatever we prefer to use. To avoid confusion, we can choose a new name anytime we commit the new image from a container – I am not sure whether committing a container to an already existing image will cause any issues.

  12. In the same folder (now, we already existed the docker container and we are on the host machine) as the Dockerfile file, we need to create a file as below,

    source /root/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/
    conda activate py37
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH='/usr/lib64'
    gunicorn -w 3 -b :5000 run:app &
    redis-server --port 6379 &
    celery -A worker --loglevel=info

    N.B. The startup script will be run when launching the docker image and it will be running in the linux environment. So, if we were preparing the file on Windows, the file ending will cause some issues, in which case, we may need to edit the file using special solutions, e.g., in WSL linux environment on Windows.

    The export command is for exporting the library system path so that the GSASII program can find the that we previously put in the /usr/lib64 directory.

    In the last line of the startup script, we don’t need the & sign so that the process will be running as the for-ground process without releasing the process. If we put an & sign to the end of the command, docker will exit immediately after running the last command since he thinks that he has gone over all the processes and will exit without worrying about those jobs running in the background.

  13. Build the docker image,

    docker image build -t flask_addie .

    Again, the flask_addie here refers to the image to be created via the image building. Same as the comments above, if a local image of the same name already exists, the existing image will be renamed to <none>, with the new flask_addie staying the latest.

  14. Fire up the container,

    docker run -p 5000:5000 -d flask_addie
  15. The Flask server should be now accessible from the host machine, at localhost:5000.

  16. Push the local docker image to the Docker Hub,

    docker login --username=apw247
    docker tag bb38976d03cf apw247/flask_addie:latest
    docker push apw247/flask_addie

    where bb38976d03cf is the docker image ID which we can obtain via the command,

    docker images

    to see all the existing images on our host machine and we can identify the associated image ID with the flask_addie image.

    For security purpose, the remote docker repository is made private. To contribute to the repo, please get in touch with Yuanpeng to request access.


Following the procedures above, we now have the docker image to start with. For further development, we need a) new codes, b) local testing, c) making new docker image, and d) deployment. In this section, we will focus the local testing, assuming that we have put in our new codes. The source codes for ADDIE is hosted on ORNL gitlab server, The master branch corresponds to the current deployed production version. The docker branch is specifically for the the docker version of the service, as the GSASII installation location is different in the docker image and the server where the current service is deployed. The docker_dev branch is for the development and testing of the docker version. Here follows are given the detailed steps to do the local testing,

  1. Commit and push the new codes to be tested to the docker_dev branch.

    The source code is also protected, so, to contribute, get in touch with Yuanpeng.

  2. Pull the docker image, check local images and run the image as a container interactively,

     docker pull apw247/flask_addie:latest
     docker images
     docker run -i -t apw247/flask_addie bash
  3. Within the docker container, change directory to the source code repo of ADDIE, pull the codes and exit the container,

     cd /tsitc
     git checkout docker_dev
     git pull

    There should be a better way to build the docker image to include such steps in the startup running script. But I will stay with the slightly tedious steps here, which is actually not too tedious.

    To prevent the popup request for username and the token any time when running the git push or pull command, we could run the following command (before running git push or git pull) to remember the passcode for git,

     git config --global credential.helper store
  4. Check the running container, identify the one we were just working with, and commit the container to a new image,

     docker commit [CONTAINER_ID] flask_addie
  5. On the local machine, change directory to the tsitc repo and further into the docker directory inside the repo – clone the source repo if not yet cloned.

  6. Follow the steps 13-15 in previous section to build the new image and run the service locally for testing.


  1. For deployment, the initial steps are quite similar to the development procedures as detailed in the Development section above. The only difference is that we need to check out the master branch instead of the docker_dev one. After all the initial steps, we need to push the new docker image to Docker Hub, following the instruction as presented in step-18 in the first section.

  2. Finally, on the remote VPS, we need to run,

     docker run -p 5000:5000 -d flask_addie

    to start up the server and then we can configure nginx to redirect the traffic on the port 443 to the local 5000 port.

  3. The ADDIE service is hosted on an ORNL research cloud instance – this is the ORNL internal cloud computation resource. For security concerns, ORNL needs to perform systematic scanning over the server and the ADDIE service. On the system side, those vulnerabilities can be easily patched according to the instructions provided by the cyber security team. On the nginx side, we need to add specific headers for mitigating the potential vulnerabilities and it turns out that not only we need to patch for the nginx configuration, but also we need to add in some security header into the Flask app. Here is the saved nginx configuration, Click Me, and here is the chunk of codes in the Flask app,

     # Define a function to set X-Frame-Options header
     def add_security_headers(response):
         response.headers['X-Frame-Options'] = 'DENY'
         response.headers['Strict-Transport-Security'] = 'max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload;'
         return response
     # Register the function as an after_request handler
  4. There are some other security patches that will be needed in the Flask app, to mitigate risks such as Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF), rigorous input field checking, etc. We can refer to the source codes for ADDIE (ORNL internal access only, not open source yet) here, Click Me.

  5. Another domain has been made available to point to the local 6000 port. So, to fire up a test service of ADDIE, we can execute the following command first,

     sudo docker run --privileged -v /home/cloud/.ssh:/root/.ssh/keys -it -p 6000:5000 apw247/flask_addie bash

    The --privileged flag is to ensure that remote drives can be mounted using sshfs within the docker container.

    Then, within the docker container, run the following commands to start up the server,

     sshfs sns:/SNS /SNS
     sshfs sns:/HFIR /HFIR
     conda activate py37
     gunicorn -c run:app &
     redis-server --port 6379 &
     celery -A worker --loglevel=info &

    As the dev server is up running, we can open another terminal to execute,

     sudo docker exec -it [CONTAINER_ID] /bin/bash

    where [CONTAINER_ID] refers to the ID of the running docker container started in previous step (use sudo docker ps -a to see all the running containers). Within this interactive shell, we can change the code and it will be directly reflected onto the server – we may have to kill the gunicorn job from another shell and restart it if it is the Python source codes that were changed. The changes in template HTML files will be directly reflected without restarting the server, though.












