It is possible to get a always-free VPS service on Oracle cloud and especially for the ARM architecture,
Oracle is providing a very good deal with which one can set up an always-free VPS with 4 CPUs and 24 Gb
RAM. We can refer to Ref. [1-3] for more information (in Chinese only). Once the VPS is up
running, we can use the 1Panel
tool [4] to set up an admin service available through the web interface
for setting up and managing web services on our VPS to make it really useful, taking full advantage of the
always-free resource.
With 1Panle
, all the web services will be deployed using Docker
, making it very easy to set up and
manage. It is possible to deploy our own chatgpt service using docker as well – it is not included in
the 1Panle
app store, but one can refer to Ref. [5] for detailed instructions about how-to.
Here follows are listed several issues and the corresponding solution while I was setting up those services.
Issue #1
For some reason, the docker for hosting the sftpgo
service would stop running from time to time, making
the service not available frequently, in which case we need to manually restart the docker container all
the time.
Solution (#1):
We can write a bash script like this,
sudo docker container ps -a -f "id=652ff545ce6c" | grep -q "Up" && a=1 || a=0
if [ $a = 0 ] ; then
sudo docker container start 652ff545ce6c
and make it executable (chmod a+x
) and add it to the cron job to run it, e.g.,
every minute so that the system will check the status of the docker container and restart it automatically
if not running.
Issue #2
To make the connection to our web server secure, we need to set up SSL certificate and enable the HTTPS
connection. We can do this by buying some SSL certificate and set up the HTTPS connection using the certificate
using. e.g., nginx
reverse proxy service. But we do need to pay for the certificate and it is probably not
Solution (#2):
To get a free, secure and easy-to-configure certificate service, we can use CloudFlare
with which we can even
use the domain name from other DNS provider (I am using Google domain and it was working perfectly). We can also use
the Page Rules
service provided by CloudFlare to force the visit to our web server following a certain rule, e.g.,
always to use the HTTPS connection instead of HTTP – however, we can set up three free rules and beyond that we need
to pay.
Issue #3
Let’s say we have a domain name
and we followed the CloudFlare
way of setting up a secure connection via
HTTPS. We are now facing the problem of having multiple services on a single VPS. For sure, we can directly use the port
number like
to point to the corresponding service on the server but this is probably not optimal in
terms of both security and convenience.
Solution (#3):
An alternative option is to use nginx and specify a location
for a server which then points to a certain port number
via local connection – something like follows,
server {
listen 80;
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:9999;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
proxy_set_header Host $host;
This will work, but only for a single instance. For example, if I have another service hosted vai port 8888 and I tried to assign another location to it, it won’t work (not sure why, but in practice it did not work out).
So, in this case, we can create subdomains, e.g.,
where sd
can be with any arbitrary value and all
those domains are considered as the subdomain of
and we are free to use them all – sometimes they are
also called aliases but referring to the same thing. Then using nginx
, we can create multiple configuration files,
put them under sites-enabled
directory (under /etc/nginx
) and include them in the main nginx
configuration file
), like this include /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*;
(within the http
section). Here follows is
a typical example file of such a configuration,
server {
listen 80;
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:5230;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
proxy_set_header Host $host;
Two things to note down,
For any of the configuration above for
, we only need to specify the80
port (which is actually the http port) since the security part will be taken care of byCloudFlare
following the notes above. -
Quite often, people prefers to put the extra configuration files into the
(also under/etc/nginx
) and create soft link in thesites-enabled
just for those to be enabled.
Issue #4
When hosting file sharing service such as SFTPGo
or KOD Cloud
, etc., the backend web interface will highly likely
be configured via nginx
. With the default settings of nginx
, there will be upper limit of 1 Mb
for the file
uploading. Then if the file to be uploaded exceeds the size limit, we will encounter with server error.
Solution (#4):
Open the /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
file (as root
) and add in the following configuration in the http
, server
, and
client_max_body_size 100M;
Then restart the nginx
server, e.g., via sudo systemctl restart nginx
Issue #5
When setting up the nextcloud
app with 1Panel
, there is a small thing we should
pay attention to.
Solution (#5):
Following the setup of the nginx+cloudflare proxy step, the nginx
configuration should look like,
server {
listen 80;
location / {
proxy_pass https://localhost:40069;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
proxy_set_header Host $host;
The subdomain
should be configured in Cloudflare
and it should be noticed that
the local https
connection is used instead of http
– see the proxy_pass
setting above.
Issue #6
Docker services backup
Solution (#6)
All the docker services installed via the 1Panel
interface were not backed up here. Those manually
installed services were backed up to include their docker compose files – click here to download the backup package.
Here follows are the domain names corresponding to the services,
Service | Domain Name |
Homepage | |
Dify | |
Gemini | |
SFTPGo | |
KODCloud | |
nextCloud | |
Pingvin | |
Memos | |
UptimeKuma | |
VPSScheduler | |
ITTools | |
Bitwarden | |
Umami | |
PhotoPrism | |
FlatNotes | |
StirlingPDF | |
Grampsy | |
TeamMapper | |
Drawio | |
The nginx
configuration files were backed up here.
Issue #7
Solution (#7)
When installing YOURLS
(e.g., with 1Panel
interface), we need to follow up the installation by visiting the domain_name/admin
to finish up the installation. Here we just need to replace domain_name
with our own domain name and in my case, it is
. Also, after the installation, the domain name, e.g.,
cannot be directly visited – we still need to visit the admin
page to define new short URLs.
Issue #8
Restart docker services manually after VPS host machine restart.
Solution (#8)
For the moment, there are several docker services that have to be started manually after the host VPS machine is restarted. Here below is a summary for the service folder where we need to to to start the corresponding docker service manually.
Service | Directory |
Dify | /home/ubuntu/packages/dify/docker |
Pingvin | /home/ubuntu/packages/pingvin |
PhotoPrism | /home/ubuntu/packages/photoprism |
TeamMapper | /home/ubuntu/packages/teammapper |
HRConvert2 | /home/ubuntu/packages/HRConvert2-Docker |
Yacy | /home/ubuntu/packages/yacy |
WBO | /home/ubuntu/packages/wbo |
Paperless | /home/ubuntu/packages/paperless-ngx_docker |
Wikijs | /home/ubuntu/packages/wikijs |
yopass | /home/ubuntu/packages/yopass/deploy/docker-compose/insecure |
The command we need to run is sudo docker-compose up -d
, assuming we have changed directory to those listed in the table above, respectively.
, we need to run
script in their corresponding directories.
Issue #9
Installation of dashy
as a self-hosted web-based personal dashboard.
Solution (#9)
The docker compose file can be found in the backup file here.
We also need a configuration file which is the backend control of the frontend dashboard layout. The configuration can also be found in the backup file above.
In the configuration, I also included the configuration for widgets and we can just use such a configuration as the starting template to continue.
Information for widgets installation can also be found here and here.
By default, after installation, the dashboard does not come with any authentication mechanism and everyone can change the configuration. To add in the authentication mechanism, refer to the configuration backup file mentioned above, or the link here.
There are quite a few resources for icons that can be used in
, -
We can configure to use the
widgets to track the coding history on various machines. To do this, we need to configureCode:stats
at We need to add in our machines in theMachines
menu to obtain the API for a certain machine. Then we need to install editor plugins to enable the connection to theCode::stats
to track our coding within certain editors. Specially,If we are using
and are usingLazyVim
for managing the plugins, we need to refer to Ref. [6] for a usable plugin. For the installation of the plugin, we need to create a plugin file under~/.config/nvim/lua/plugins/
and give it a name, e.g.,codestats.lua
. Then put can put in the following contents in the file,return { "YannickFricke/codestats.nvim", config = function() require("codestats-nvim").setup({ token = "CODESTATS_API", }) end, requires = { { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" } }, }
where we want to replace
with ourCode::stats
API.We can also configure
to update toCode::stats
. Information can be found in Ref. [7]. We can use the manual method mentioned there to install the plugin, by first downloading the plugin file here. We can put the plugin file somewhere in our system, e.g.,~/.zsh/codestats.plugin.zsh
and change directory there to executesource codestats.plugin.zsh
to install the plugin. We need to putexport CODESTATS_API_KEY="<api key here>"
in our.zshrc
file where we can populate the place holder with our ownCode::stats
API. To make sure each time the plugin will be sourced when launchingneovim
, we can add the source command such assource ~/.zsh/codestats.plugin.zsh
to our.zshrc
) file.
Issue #10
Installation of HRConvert2, which is an open source online service for file format conversion.
Solution (#10)
The source codes of HRConvert2
are available here on GitHub. There, we have the link to the docker way of installation. We can specifically follow the instruction for Docker Compose Setup for details. A simple input would be the configuration for the config.php
file, where on the top we need to fill in several randomly generated strings, with. e.g., BitWarded generator tool. Normally, this will work out. However, in some cases, we may need to build our own image – typically in my case, I was trying to deploy the service on my oracle VPS with ARM64
architecture and the existing docker compose file which would use the existing docker image for HRConvert2
does not support the ARM64
architecture. So, I had to build my own image. To do this, I could use the following commands,
git clone
cd HRConvert2-Docker
vim config.php
vim Dockerfile
sudo docker image build -t hrconvert2 .
vim docker-compose.yml
sudo docker-compose up -d
Instructions for editing the config.php
file has been given above. For the Dockerfile
file, we need to remove rar
and unrar
from the docker RUN apt-get
list as rar
is not available on ARM64 architecture – unrar
can be installed but I would remove the support for rar
, though, I did not spend efforts in getting rid of the rar
part in the web GUI, which requires dealing with those PHP files. For the docker-compose.yml
file, we want to change docker image to image: hrconvert2:latest
to use our locally built version. After that, actually we could log in docker and push our local image to the dockerhub
docker login --username=apw247
docker tag IMAGE_ID apw247/hrconvert2:latest
docker push apw247/hrconvert2
after which we could then change the image to apw247/hrconvert2:latest
in the docker compose file.
Issue #11
Hosting a QR code generator.
Solution (#11)
There are multiple available choices for hosting a web based QR code generator, as listed in Ref. [8]. However, on ARM64 architecture, we need to rebuild the docker image on our ARM64 machine. As such, I tried several of them and had no luck. The one that I ended up with working is this one in Ref. [9]. In their GitHub repo, the Dockerfile
is provided from which we can build a docker image on our ARM64 machine,
sudo docker image build -t qrcode .
sudo docker login --username=apw247
sudo docker tag IMAGE_ID apw247/qrcode:latest
sudo docker push apw247/qrcode
vim docker-compose.yml
refers to the GitHub repo directory for bizzycola/qrcode-generator
in Ref. [9]. IMAGE_ID
refers to the ID of the docker image that was built in previous step. At the last step, we need to edit the docker-compose.yml
file to change the image to be used to the one we just built and pushed. Also, we need to change the port if necessary, e.g., when the default port is already in use. Here is my version,
version: "3.9"
image: apw247/qrcode:latest
- "5580:80"
Issue #12
Installation of Wiki.js
– a self-hosted Wiki.
Solution (#12)
Through the 1Panel
interface, we could easily install the Wiki.js
Wiki system. However, I found that after the installation, from time to time, we would encounter errors here and there. Not sure what exactly the reason is, though. Alternatively, we could install the service directly using the docker compose approach, following the instruction provided in their official documentation [10].
Issue #13
Website set up with Wordpress
stuck in the maintenance
mode after upgrading.
Solution (#13)
In case of the Wordpress
hosted website is stuck in the maintenance
mode, we may need to manually remove the .maintenance
file under the root directory of the Wordpress
web server. In case of the Wordpress
is hosted via Docker
, we need to launch the running Wordpress
docker container in the interactive mode, by running,
sudo docker exec -it [CONTAINER_ID] /bin/bash
refers to the ID of the running Wordpress
container, which can be obtained by running sudo docker ps -a | grep "wordpress"
. Once in the interactive container, we can go to the root directory of the web service which is usually /var/www/html
and remove the .maintenance
file manually and exit the container by running exit
. We may then need to restart the container, via sudo docker container restart [CONTAINER_ID]
Issue #14
Set up Affine
service, which is a workspace with fully merged docs, whiteboards and databases [11].
Solution (#14)
Here, I am using 1panel
[12] to set up the Affine
service and the installation is just a click-and-go operation, very straightforward – just find the app in the app store in the 1panel
interface and install the app by filling in some necessary parameters. After the successful installation, we need to do some post configuration to enable the email verification and the AI features. By default, such two features would not be enabled when following the normal way of installation, e.g., using 1panel
. In my case, my Affine
app will be installed to the 1panel
app list, which can be found here, /opt/1panel/apps/affine/affine
. To enable the email verification feature, we need to edit the .env
file in the app folder to put in the email service configuration like below,
where all the email address and password relevant entries were left out. The normal installation via 1panel
should already take care of the configuration up until the PANEL_REDIS_ROOT_PASSWORD
entry then should be added manually to be consistent with exact the host name where the Affine
service can be reached. Here for the mail service, I am using Gmail
entry is just our Gmail
email address. The MAILER_PASSWORD
needs to be the Google application password, which can be obtained following the instruction in Ref. [13].
To enable the AI feature, we need to first obtain the OpenAI
API at [14]. Then we need to edit the data/config/affine.js
file under the Affine
application directory mentioned above [15]. Scrolling to the bottom of the file, we can fine the Copilot
section and we just need to uncomment the section and fill in the OpenAI
API key, like this,
// /* Copilot Plugin */
AFFiNE.use('copilot', {
openai: {
apiKey: '<OpenAI_API_Key>',
// fal: {
// apiKey: 'your-key',
// },
// unsplashKey: 'your-key',
// storage: {
// provider: 'cloudflare-r2',
// bucket: 'copilot',
// }
After the manual configuration, we may need to stop the running container by running sudo docker stop <CONTAINER_ID>
and the <CONTAINER_ID>
can be obtained by running sudo docker ps -a | grep "affine"
. Then we can do sudo docker rm <CONTAINER_ID>
to remove the container and run sudo docker compose up -d
in the Affine
application directory mentioned above, namely /opt/1panel/apps/affine/affine
Issue #15
The nextcloud
server sometimes may be locked in the maintenance
Solution (#15)
In this case, we may need to manually disable the maintenance
mode by going into the running docker container,
sudo docker exec -it [CONTAINER_ID] /bin/bash
refers to the ID of the running nextcloud
container, which can be obtained by running sudo docker ps -a | grep "nextcloud"
. Once in the interactive container, we can edit the file /config/www/nextcloud/config/config.php
and change 'maintenance' => true
to 'maintenance' => false
. The running service should be able to pick up the change automatically. If not, we may need to restart the docker container,
sudo docker restart [CONTAINER_ID]
Issue #16
Sometimes, deleting trashed files permanently from the web interface would lead to server crash, in which we may want to delete all trashed files in the nextcloud
server from the command line.
Solution (#16)
We first need to go into the running docker container,
sudo docker exec -it [CONTAINER_ID] /bin/bash
refers to the ID of the running nextcloud
container, which can be obtained by running sudo docker ps -a | grep "nextcloud"
. Once in the interactive container, we can execute the following command,
occ trashbin:cleanup --all-users
which will empty the trash bin for all users. For more options, we can do,
occ help trashbin:cleanup