• Configuration on Linux system

    • rmcprofile on cluster

      To run rmcprofile on cluster, the following bash script may be helpful,

        ulimit -s unlimited
        export OMP_NUM_THREADS=12
        export PGPLOT_DIR=$RMCProfile_PATH/exe/libs
        export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$RMCProfile_PATH/exe/libs
        export LIBRARY_PATH=$RMCProfile_PATH/exe/libs
        export PATH=$PATH:$RMCProfile_PATH/exe
        $RMCProfile_PATH/exe/rmcprofile stem_name

      where WHEREVER_RMCProfile_FOLDER_IS_LOCATED refers to the main RMCProfile directory within which the exe and tutorial sub-directories are usually located. stem_name refers to whatever the stem name is for our RMC fitting. Put this script within RMC fitting directory and run it from there should not be a bad idea.

    • Speeding up rmcprofile

      No matter running on clusters or a PC, running the following two commands just before kicking off RMC fitting should help speeding up the fitting.

        ulimit -s unlimited
        export OMP_NUM_THREADS=12
  • Configuration on MacOS

    • Speeding up rmcprofile

      Running the following two commands just before kicking off RMC fitting should help speeding up the fitting.

        ulimit -s unlimited
        export OMP_NUM_THREADS=12