
1Panel is an open-source web-based control panel for Linux server management. With 1panel, we can manager our server in a visual and convenient manner. Also, it provides application store to install a wide range of web-based applications (with docker as the backend engine). I have my own server hosted on Oracle cloud and I have several blog posts regarding the setup of the server and those running web-based applications [1, 2].

Setting up the 1panel service on our server is as simple as running the command below,

curl -sSL https://resource.1panel.hk/quick_start.sh -o quick_start.sh && bash quick_start.sh

After the initial setup, we can visit the service through the preset port, like this http://localhost:<PORT>/<RANDOM_ENTRY_POINT>, where <PORT> refers to the port number and <RANDOM_ENTRY_POINT> is a random string for the entrance. Both of them would be with some default value when initially setting up 1panel. After the setup, we can obtain the information by running,

sudo 1pctl user-info

With the default setup, we can visit the service through http like above, which is not secure. To set up a secure connection, we can use the free cloudflare service (running remotely) together with the nginx service (running locally on the server). Notes about setting up cloudflare with our own registered domain can be found here. The local setup for nginx is very similar to Issue #3 in Ref. [1] and we only need to replace the server_name with the sub-domain that we registered on cloudflare and replace the port number that 1panel service is running on. The only special setup for 1panel is about the entrance. By default, 1panel enables the secure entrance, i.e., <RANDOM_ENTRY_POINT> above. This means every time when we try to access 1panel, we need to append /<RANDOM_ENTRY_POINT> to the domain name and this is not so convenient. To solve the issue, my solution is to remove the entrance, by running [3],

sudo 1pctl reset entrance

With this, no <RANDOM_ENTRY_POINT> will be needed for the visiting url.


[1] https://iris2020.net/2023-09-08-docker_nginx/

[2] https://iris2020.net/2024-01-28-oracle_vps_vol_expand/

[3] https://docs.1panel.hk/user_manual/settings/#security