Use local build of Mantid with Python script
Setting up 1panel with Cloudflare
Notes on the development environment setup for RMCProfile
Block the annoying ads on slashdot
Development environment setup for RMCProfile on Windows
Description of Magnetic Structure with Propogation Vector
A brief summary of the early superconductivity development
Set up workflows for bidirectional connection between NocoDB and Slack
Set up an automated workflow for collecting RSS feeds and send to Gmail
Set up an automated workflow for Notion & Slack connection with n8n
Tips on Wordpress Setup
Output of the Reduced Time-of-Flight Powder Diffraction Bragg Data
FAQs about Mantid – Yuanpeng's Collection
Van Hove Function
The Van Hove function describes the time dependent pair correlation between atoms,
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Use SSH key with GitLab
Stacking Faults
Close packing means that if assuming hard sphere model for atoms, we would have as much dense packing of those hard spheres as possible. Specifically, this refers to the packing of equal spheres (radius being equal). Normally, we have two types of close packing, the hexagonal close packing (HCP) and...
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Preferred Orientation and Texture
Normally for a powder sample, we are assuming that we have a uniform distribution of orientation of those small crystalline samples, meaning that we have many small crystalline pieces of the sample and their orientation in space is uniform. As such, in the measured powder diffraction pattern, the peak intensities...
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Notes and Tips for using Docker
Dirac Equation
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Amazon AWS S3 setup
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Notes on using VSCode
This post is a collection of notes for useful setups, tricks and utilities in VSCode, as one of the popular IDEs in the market, along with
Sublime Text, Atom, JetBrains, and so many to name.
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Mouse gesture on Mac
On Windows, we have software like AutoHotkey with which we can define keyboard shortcut for running various actions in a convenient way. With AutoHotkey, we can also define mouse gestures to execute actions quickly. Here in Ref. [1] is provided a zip file containing the AutoHotkey files for some useful...
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Set up a Flarum forum on VPS
Construct lattice vectors from lattice parameters
In crystallography, quite often we would use the 6 lattice parameters to describe the unit cell, namely, a, b, c, \(\alpha\), \(\beta\) and \(\gamma\). In some cases, we would also need to construct those lattice vectors (\(\vec{a}\), \(\vec{b}\) and \(\vec{c}\)) in Cartesian coordinate system. For example, when we want to...
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Set up our own search engine with Yacy
The fundamental idea of web searching is through web crawling, critical information about the website and the embedded links in the crawled website can be obtained. Based on the crawling results, a ranking algorithm could be applied, based on which one can search the website using keywords. Nowadays, we get...
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Resize Oracle VPS volume
When setting up Oracle cloud instance, we would give the instance an initial allocation of volume, and later on we might find that the initial volume size is not enough as we install more and more services into our VPS. In such a situation, we may want to expand the...
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Set up Dify server on VPS with docker
Set up YOURLS on VPS with docker
YOURLS is an URL shortening service [1] and we can deploy a local version of the service to our own VPS. Here, I am using the 1Panel service [2] to set up YOURLS – 1Panel is a web-based Linux system management interface with which we can manage our VPS and...
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Dockerize the ADDIE service
Setting up services on VPS using docker
To set up services on VPS, one could follow the conventional routine to configure the server and set up the services. However, such services would then live natively on the VPS operating system, which is not completely self-contained (e.g., one may need to configure multiple services in the same configuration...
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Find out symmetry from RMC fitted supercell
In the reverse Monte Carlo (RMC) modeling, there is no constraint of symmetry exerted on the model. Once the initial unit cell is expanded to a supercell, the symmetry constraint will be removed and the model will be purely driven by the data together with some other physical or chemical...
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Anaconda token setup for GitHub action
Conda package building and deploying (to Anaconda) can be configured in GitHub action so that when a certain action triggers the GitHub action, the conda package will be built and deployed automatically. As part of the setup, the Anaconda token is required in the GitHub settings so that the secure...
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Size & strain effect and preferred orientation in diffraction
Size effect
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Rustdesk server setup
There are several available software in the market for remote control, such as Teamviewer (probably the most well-known one), AnyDesk, etc., including the built-in Windows remote control utility (which is actually already very good especially for the use of local network connection). For cross-platform usage, for sure, Teamviewer is probably...
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Thermal background in pair distrubtion function (PDF)
This post discusses the thermal background of a pair distribution function (PDF), taking the paper by K. Page, et al. [1] as the reference and noting down several aspects that are critical for understanding the topic. The paper was originally reporting an alternative way for coping with the incoherent inelastic...
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Set up a self-hosted web server on Oracle VPS
Typical Science Papers with RMCProfile
This blog lists out several typical research papers with RMCProfile that I myself was involved.
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RMCProfile + LAMMPS Implementation
Notes on using Jupyter book
Notes on difference Fourier map
Reversing the transformation from reciprocal space to real space given an experimentally measured diffraction pattern is difficult in practice since the phase information is lost in the experimental diffraction measurement and we are left with only the intensities of the Bragg spots. The Fourier map approach is one of commonly...
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Notes on implementing search in Jekyll site
Notes Flask+Nginx+HTTPS setup
Notes on setting up WindTerm
A platform integrating both terminal and file explorer
This post is about the configuration of the tool WindTerm, which is a quicker and better SSH/Telnet/Serial/Shell/Sftp client for DevOps.
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Notes on Forum Setup with MyBB
Side notes for the setup along the way of configuration
This post is for putting down some random sites notes as I struggle through the
process of setting up a forum hosted with MyBB.
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Notes on Slack App Setup
Send message to Slack with Python
To set up for sending message to Slack using Python, we can refer to Ref. [1]. Most of the instructions in the reference
would work out, with several glitches and thus necessary adjustments.
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Notes on Total Commander Setups
Tips & Tricks
This post is a collection of notes of tips and tricks for Total Commander setups. This is a software as an alternative
to the file explorer on Windows. It allows double column management and operations, making life much easier in terms of
file and directory operations.
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Notes on GSAS-II
Tips & Tricks
GSAS-II is a powerful software for analyzing the crystallographic structure from diffraction data. It is written in Python, with some underlying routines in Fortran and C++. It is possible to grab the source codes of GSAS-II, develop and test it locally. This post covers the steps to set up the...
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Notes on slurm server setup
Tips & Tricks
This post is a collection of notes of tips and tricks when trying to set up slurm server on Ubuntu 20.04 focal.
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Notes on Jupyterhub server setup
Tips & Tricks
Notes on twin paradox
This post is my notes for reading an online article published on Scientific American about resolving the twin paradox purely in the special relativity framework. Refer to Ref. [1, 2] for the original article.
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Notes on magnetism - IV
About stray and demagnetization field
In this post, some basics about the stray and demagnetization field will be covered. The post originates from reading the book by Stöhr – Ref. [1].
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Image effect in web page
CSS + Javascript for basic image effect in web page
In the index page of current blog, we have a picture shown as below - if we hover the mouse over the image, it will change to another picture and also as we move our mouse, the image will tilt along with the mouse moving.
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Math equation in Jekyll
Notes on inclusion of equation in GitHub pages
Copy of code snippet in Jekyll
Notes on inclusion of a button for copy code snippet in GitHub pages
Notes On Isotropy Subgroup
Key notes for reading the lecture notes by Stokes on isotropy subgroup
Figure. 1. Isotropy subgroup [1].
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OwnCloud Server Setup
Set up OwnCloud server on Windows with WSL
Size effect in RMCProfile
Implementation of nano-size effect correction for modeling PDF
Figure. 1. Simulation box for bulk (left) and nano (right) systems.
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Derivation of neutron incoherent scattering length
Figure. 1. Neutron scattering length table by NIST [1].
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Notes on topological physics
Image reproduced from Ref. [5].
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Notes on Ising model
Ernst Ising (Left) and Wilhelm Lenz (Right) - Ising was Lenz’s student and the Ising model was claimed (by Ising himself) to be originated by Lenz but named after Ising.
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Management of Jupyter kernels
Intro to Sphinx
Documentation with docstring in Python
Jupyterlab kernel setup
Conda environment to be used as Jupyterlab kernel across users
Notes on magnetism - III
Various physical quantities describing magnetic field
About electron spin
Why do we have spin half for electrons?
Illustration for Stern-Glach experiment [1].
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Configure RMCProfile
Some tips for configuring RMCProfile on Unix/Linux system
Configuration on Linux system
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Notes on Jekyll
building site with Jekyll locally
Notes on kernel density estimation
With a collection of data, we may want to extract or estimate the underlying distribution model. For example, we have the collection of house price in a certain area, we want to have an idea about how the house price in that area is distributed. However, without a priori knowledge...
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Notes on Flask
Setting up web host with Python Flask
Notes on RSA algorithm
Image reproduced from Ref. [9].
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Notes On Temperature
Notes on occupational short-range ordering in crystal
When multiple atomic species (including vacancies) coexist on the same crystallographic site, it immediately brings up a question - say, we have species A and B sharing the same site, then do we have clustering of A and B in separate domains, or do we have A and B preferring...
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Notes on Sublime Text 3
Key binding configuration issue
When Fourier transform meets total scattering
Build package with conda recipe
A minimal working example
There are indeed instructions and tutorials about how to build conda packages (which we can then install easily through conda, e. g. by simply executing ‘conda install …’ from command line) with conda recipe. However, as a beginner to conda build, it was really difficult for myself to find the...
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Install DISCUS version 6 on Windows 10
Problem & solution
Notes on CUDA programming II
Matrix multiplication
First of all, we may need a review for the very basic CUDA programming and GPU execution principle. Here, I want to use the diagram below to demonstrate the threadings on GPU with a very simple array addition operation example.
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Notes on CUDA programming I
To understand and implement CUDA codes in practice, the very first step is to understand the allocation of threads on GPU. Fundamentally, threads are basic units on GPU where computation can happen in a parallel way. To the first level, threads are grouped into blocks, either in a 1D, 2D...
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Notes on magnetism - II
Magnetic ions in crystals
Talking about the magnetism of ions in crystals naturally brings us out of the atomic physics picture which we previously based ourselves in when discussing the free atom and ions (see previous note by clicking me!). Also, for sure we should turn to the many-electron scheme instead of a single-electron...
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Notes on magnetism - I
Magnetism of free atoms and ions
To understand the magnetism of free atoms and ions, we may go through several stages, as follows,
Hartree approximation - electrons are treated in a non-interactive manner.
Beyond Hartree - interaction between electrons is taken into account.
Spin-orbital coupling.
Hyperfine interaction - the interaction between electrons and nucleus.
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About Coriolis force
First, a comprehensive GIF animation demonstrating the basic ideas of Coriolis force is presented.
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Notes on special relativity
A silent refrigerator
The working principle of Einstein’s refrigerator
All refrigerators running with gas relies on the principle that the evaporation of liquid to its corresponding gas form will take heat from surroundings. After evaporation, the gas should be liquefied back to liquid form to finish the cycle, and of course, the process of liquefaction will emit heat. That’s...
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