GPU (2) IDE (2) LAMMPS (1) Mac (1) PHP (1) Python (1) Quantum Mechanics (1) RMCProfile (2) Relativity (1) Research (1) Slack (1) VPS (2) VSCode (1) Windows (1) classical physics (1) cloud (1) conda (1) crystallography (7) data analysis (1) design (1) dev (1) diffraction (1) docker (6) forum (1) general physics (3) gpt (1) jekyll (2) jupyter (2) magnetism (4) maths (3) nano (1) oracle (1) package (2) programming (17) python (2) quantum physics (1) relativity (2) rmc (1) scattering (6) search (1) server (3) slurm (1) software (4) software installation (2) solid state physics (10) statistical physics (1) statistics (1) technical (7) theory (3) thermodynamics (3) tool (9) total scattering (5) tutorial (1) web (9) web development (12) yourls (1)

 GPU (2)

Notes on CUDA programming II
Notes on CUDA programming I

 IDE (2)

Notes on using VSCode
Notes on Sublime Text 3


RMCProfile + LAMMPS Implementation

 Mac (1)

Mouse gesture on Mac

 PHP (1)

Notes on Forum Setup with MyBB

 Python (1)

Notes on Slack App Setup

 Quantum Mechanics (1)

Dirac Equation

 RMCProfile (2)

Typical Science Papers with RMCProfile
RMCProfile + LAMMPS Implementation

 Relativity (1)

Dirac Equation

 Research (1)

Typical Science Papers with RMCProfile

 Slack (1)

Notes on Slack App Setup

 VPS (2)

Resize Oracle VPS volume
Set up a self-hosted web server on Oracle VPS

 VSCode (1)

Notes on using VSCode

 Windows (1)

Notes on Total Commander Setups

 classical physics (1)

About Coriolis force

 cloud (1)

Amazon AWS S3 setup

 conda (1)

Build package with conda recipe

 crystallography (7)

Construct lattice vectors from lattice parameters
Notes on difference Fourier map
Notes on GSAS-II
Notes On Isotropy Subgroup
Derivation of neutron incoherent scattering length
Notes on occupational short-range ordering in crystal
When Fourier transform meets total scattering

 data analysis (1)

Configure RMCProfile

 design (1)


 dev (1)

Notes and Tips for using Docker

 diffraction (1)

Size & strain effect and preferred orientation in diffraction

 docker (6)

Notes and Tips for using Docker
Set up a Flarum forum on VPS
Set up Dify server on VPS with docker
Set up YOURLS on VPS with docker
Dockerize the ADDIE service
Setting up services on VPS using docker

 forum (1)

Notes on Forum Setup with MyBB

 general physics (3)

Notes on twin paradox
Notes on special relativity
A silent refrigerator

 gpt (1)

Set up Dify server on VPS with docker

 jekyll (2)

Math equation in Jekyll
Copy of code snippet in Jekyll

 jupyter (2)

Notes on using Jupyter book
Notes on Jupyterhub server setup

 magnetism (4)

Notes on magnetism - IV
Notes on magnetism - III
Notes on magnetism - II
Notes on magnetism - I

 maths (3)

Notes On Isotropy Subgroup
Notes on kernel density estimation
When Fourier transform meets total scattering

 nano (1)

Size effect in RMCProfile

 oracle (1)

Resize Oracle VPS volume

 package (2)

Anaconda token setup for GitHub action
Build package with conda recipe

 programming (17)

Anaconda token setup for GitHub action
Set up a self-hosted web server on Oracle VPS
RMCProfile + LAMMPS Implementation
Notes on using Jupyter book
Notes on implementing search in Jekyll site
Notes Flask+Nginx+HTTPS setup
Image effect in web page
Math equation in Jekyll
Copy of code snippet in Jekyll
Management of Jupyter kernels
Intro to Sphinx
Jupyterlab kernel setup
Notes on Jekyll
Notes on Flask
Build package with conda recipe
Notes on CUDA programming II
Notes on CUDA programming I

 python (2)

Intro to Sphinx
Build package with conda recipe

 quantum physics (1)

About electron spin

 relativity (2)

Notes on twin paradox
Notes on special relativity

 rmc (1)

Size effect in RMCProfile

 scattering (6)

Dockerize the ADDIE service
Find out symmetry from RMC fitted supercell
Size & strain effect and preferred orientation in diffraction
Notes on GSAS-II
Derivation of neutron incoherent scattering length
When Fourier transform meets total scattering
Set up our own search engine with Yacy

 server (3)

Rustdesk server setup
Notes on slurm server setup
OwnCloud Server Setup

 slurm (1)

Notes on slurm server setup

 software (4)

Notes on using VSCode
Mouse gesture on Mac
Rustdesk server setup
Notes on Total Commander Setups

 software installation (2)

Management of Jupyter kernels
Install DISCUS version 6 on Windows 10

 solid state physics (10)

Find out symmetry from RMC fitted supercell
Size & strain effect and preferred orientation in diffraction
Thermal background in pair distrubtion function (PDF)
Notes on magnetism - IV
Derivation of neutron incoherent scattering length
Notes on topological physics
Notes on Ising model
Notes on magnetism - III
Notes on magnetism - II
Notes on magnetism - I

 statistical physics (1)

Notes on Ising model

 statistics (1)

Notes on kernel density estimation

 technical (7)

Anaconda token setup for GitHub action
Notes on setting up WindTerm
Notes on Forum Setup with MyBB
Notes on Slack App Setup
Notes on Total Commander Setups
Jupyterlab kernel setup
Notes on RSA algorithm

 theory (3)

Size & strain effect and preferred orientation in diffraction
Thermal background in pair distrubtion function (PDF)
Size effect in RMCProfile

 thermodynamics (3)

Notes on Ising model
Notes On Temperature

 tool (9)

Notes on using VSCode
Mouse gesture on Mac
Notes on setting up WindTerm
Notes on Forum Setup with MyBB
Notes on Slack App Setup
Notes on Total Commander Setups
Configure RMCProfile
Notes on Sublime Text 3
Install DISCUS version 6 on Windows 10

 total scattering (5)

Find out symmetry from RMC fitted supercell
Thermal background in pair distrubtion function (PDF)
Derivation of neutron incoherent scattering length
Configure RMCProfile
When Fourier transform meets total scattering

 tutorial (1)

Amazon AWS S3 setup

 web (9)

Set up a Flarum forum on VPS
Set up our own search engine with Yacy
Resize Oracle VPS volume
Set up Dify server on VPS with docker
Set up YOURLS on VPS with docker
Dockerize the ADDIE service
Setting up services on VPS using docker
Rustdesk server setup
Set up a self-hosted web server on Oracle VPS

 web development (12)

Notes on implementing search in Jekyll site
Notes Flask+Nginx+HTTPS setup
Notes on Jupyterhub server setup
Image effect in web page
Math equation in Jekyll
Copy of code snippet in Jekyll
OwnCloud Server Setup
Management of Jupyter kernels
Intro to Sphinx
Jupyterlab kernel setup
Notes on Jekyll
Notes on Flask

 yourls (1)

Set up YOURLS on VPS with docker